I had my first appointment with RMA today and it went great! The doc was so warm and friendly. I'm super excited to work with her.
She walked me through what IVF entails and the basic timeline and procedures. Thank goodness Hubs came to help wrangle the girls. They were kind of bonkers, but since these people are in the business of making gremlins for people who desperately want them they all acted completely charmed by my crazy monsters.
Once the chatting portion of the program was over it was time for the physical exam and ultrasound. I grabbed the sexy gown and took a deep breath.
It's the first time since we started this whole thing that I got a little nervous and it really seemed real. Even meeting the IPs wasn't quite the same because they could've thought I was a total weirdo and called it off.
But this. This was real. As I sat in my super stylish gown waiting for the doc, the ultrasound machine sat with its grainy black and white grin. I never thought I'd get another chance to be here again. I've never wavered in my thoughts of having only two children. But the reality of having another pregnancy just brings a huge smile to my face.
It's good to be back in the saddle...er umm stirrups
The physical exam was quick and painless and as the black and white grains swirled and morphed I heard the doctor say "beautiful! oh the uterus is just beautiful."
Not really sure what to say to that compliment except "Yay!?!" Or "thank you. The previous tenants seemed to enjoy it."
Either way we all got a good look at my goods and they are marvelous!
Apparently now we move on to psych evaluations and contracts. Blah tee blah.
All I know is I have the overwhelming urge to Facebook stalk my IPs and squeal "your baby's womb is weady!!!!"
Since I have a smidgeon of self respect I'll wait and go through all the formalities. But I'm just excited to get the show on the road!
I'm pretty sure once we get the formalities done I'll get my calendar, so stay tuned. This baby train is about to leave the station!
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