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Showing posts from December, 2015

Third Trimester Update

29 weeks! Where has the time gone? Well these days Nugget is rockin and rolling in there.  I swear this peanut is every bit if not more active than my two kiddos. I can actually see it wiggling around in there as we speak.  And speaking of seeing it, we had our 4D ultrasound last week. Little stinker was cozied up to her placenta and was playing Tarzan with her cord, so we didn't get the greatest views. But the ones we got were adorable. He or she had the sweetest little cheeks and nose. And he crinkled his little face up when I popped some Altoids. They must've been curiously strong.  I also had my gestational diabeetus test, which I totally passed like a boss. I'm such a weirdo. I don't typically have a sweet tooth but when I'm pregnant I actually like to drink that sickening sweet sugar drink. I pounded that beast.  In other news our holiday travels are upon us. I have roughly 46 hours of driving ahead of me in the coming  weeks for my baby brother's wedding....