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Bump Day Happenings

In the surro world, Hump Day is Bump Day, and my news feed is filled with beautiful pregger bellies. I figured I'd go ahead and participate with an embryo bump. It's in there for cryin' out loud. I'm going to celebrate with a Bump Day pic!

In other news my hcg is almost tested out. The line was pretty faint this morning. I shouldn't be seeing any positives from the transfer until about Friday, so I don't mind sharing this last little stick update.
The top is the morning of the transfer. Then down to most recent. Dpt= days past transfer

I also had my blood draw this morning to check my progesterone. I'm taking the little hoohah tubes twice a day, and BOY are they less drama than the freaking PIO shot. Anyone who thinks the shot is easier is a hard core B. I'll take the crinone any day over a perpetually sore rumpus.

The clinic emailed this afternoon and said they were very pleased to see my progesterone levels at 38! They only need to be above 20. Boom shakalaka.

Hubs was asking if I felt pregnant this morning, and of course I don't. The little embryo wasn't even implanting until maybe yesterday. I did get sick this morning, but it's just because I took my antibiotic without any food on my stomach. Big mistake.

That's one weird thing is I've been craving fruit and have a serious aversion to anything greasy or fatty. This all started a few days before transfer, so don't speculate. I guess it's all coming from my totally hippie uterus. 

I'm usually the lover of all things fried and cheesy. But I've been dying for fruits and veggies! Smoothies are my life right now. Which I suppose is a good thing since I'm trying to grow a healthy human.

I spent $75 on fruit and veg at HEB today! This child is going to look like the Chiquita banana lady.

So for the next 9 days I'm just going to try and stay very busy and distracted. Father's Day is this weekend, so I'll party with the Hubs. Sunshine's birthday is coming up next week, and she'll be in summer camp in the mornings. So I'll have some alone time with Sweet Pea. I'll just plug away and pretend not to obsess over the pee sticks every morning.

Beta is Friday, June 26, which was my due date with Sunshine! :) Baby Mama thinks I'm a weirdo because I always try to find significance in dates. But so far we've had some major milestones land on important days. So I can't help it if I see that as a good omen.

Keep sending those snuggly thoughts. Especially this weekend when I start obsessing more over pee than R Kelly. 


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